This is just so sweet.
Yo! He got the infinity drip ON LOCK! 🔥
This is a whole nother level of glitch-core stuff. Apart of me wishes Learning with Pibby gets picked up as an actual series. Imagine how cool that would actually be.
"Little Witch Academia" lol nice.
Edit - My dumbass thought that the show was callled "Little Witch Academy" and you were doing a "My Hero Academia" bit, but that's the name of the actual show!
Now this is the kind of simpsons fanart I like to see. 🔥
I see this as canonical. Nice idea
There sure are a lotta "simps" out there!
How did he run over himself with a motorcycle?! Hahahaha!. He must have been in torturous agony for who knows how long. Anyways, in a psychological sence, life can really feel like it's running you over. Interesting demonstration.
I was thinking that he just fell over and another biker ran him over 🫣
I mainly come here to critique art works and animations, so that I understand art fundementals better. In the future, I'll likely make content here.
PS - There has to be a policy against explicit profile pictures and wallpapers (unristricted access).
Age 20, Male
Joined on 12/24/22