Your tribute is never too late. Great work.
Your tribute is never too late. Great work.
suuuupa schhaaawwyy
I'm concerned that this is rated E. At least have it be rated M with the suggestiveness and revealing clothes. Good art though.
Incredible work. This stlye reminds me of the poster, and there's a lot going on with the details. Best murder drones fan art I've seen on this site so far. Keep it up!
Thank you!! I've been trying really hard with my murder drones art to emulate the style of the posters as I just think the posters look so good. Glad you like and ty for the kind words!
This is GENIUS! "Flower Devil"
I LOVE this. Love the lighting, shading, anatomy, detail, distinctivness, expression, and personality of each titan. Stuff like this, I respect. It's hard to find genuine and meaningful art on a site like this. Keep it up!
It is INDEED a good game.
So wholesome. I love this.
I mainly come here to critique art works and animations, so that I understand art fundementals better. In the future, I'll likely make content here.
PS - There has to be a policy against explicit profile pictures and wallpapers (unristricted access).
Age 20, Male
Joined on 12/24/22